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(f)utility tools   2021

In this project, I strip tools of their utility to playfully look at the relationship of usefulness and value. 

There is a personal aspect to this work. I have seen friends and family diminish as they age, and go from working and employed to obsolete and rejected from the workforce.  In particular, my mother was bedridden and unable to speak for many years. What value does such an existence have apart from its utility? Where is meaning and purpose in life found when we exist but cannot do? This project lightheartedly suggests that existence may be enough, and our value, intrinsic. 

16 double hammer.jpg

double hammer

circular rake.jpg

circular rake

G-clamp 8.5 x 11 2.jpg


corner paint roller 8.5 x 11.jpg

corner paint roller

fork tipped pitch fork 8.5 x 11.jpg

fork tipped pitch fork

roller-step ladder 8.5 x 11 .jpg

roller-step ladder

ball peen screw driver 8.5 x 11.jpg

ball peen screwdriver

closed loop hose.jpg

closed loop hose

L handle hatchet 8.5 x 11.jpg

L handle hatchet

self contained extension cord.jpg

self contained extension cord

lateral wheel barrow 8.5 x 11.jpg
ultra light shovel 8.5 x 11.jpg

lateral wheel barrow

ultra light shovel

shovel handled pick 2 color 2 riso edit.jpg
11 large tooth saw.jpg

shovel handled pick axe

large tooth saw

frying man hole cover 8.5 x 11.jpg

frying man hole cover

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